Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Parental Phone calls

I just got off a very frustrating and confusing call with my mother that went something like this:

Hi Mum.
Mum: Oh Hi! How did you know it was me?
Me: I always know it’s you mum. I have caller ID.
Mum (in a perplexed tone): Oh yes. I always forget. I just wanted to call and say hello and to tell you I just got the new phone and am testing it to see if it works. But, I can’t tell if it does?
Me: Umm, you’re talking to me on it right now?
Mum: Yes. But it is so confusing with all those instructions and terminology I am unfamiliar with!
Me: But mom, you’re talking to me right now using the phone, so it must work!
Mum: Oh?...Oh! I know that, but it was confusing all the same. I just didn’t know what they meant by handset and base until sometime later! Handset is the cordless thing, and the base is that thingamajig that sits on the table. Did you know that?
Me: Umm Yes Mum, I did know that. Wait, I thought you were speaking about the new cell phone you ordered?

Mum: No. The new phone for my house I bought. Did you know I also cancelled my Bell voicemail? This phone has everything on it like a message recorder and caller ID and it was a good deal. I just wish it were simpler to figure out.
Me: So, did you get the voicemail part working?
Mum: No, not yet. I don’t know how to do it. Do you? Oh, did I tell you your father is at your brothers place downtown? He went there to watch the house as the construction people do the repairs.
Me: Yes, he already called me to tell me he was there….bored. (that was another interesting conversation!)
Mum: Oh your father is always like that. Did you know that I cancelled my Rogers internet and changed it to the cheaper one which was originally $48.00 and is now only $30.00? I think $48.00 is a lot and I don’t need it for my emailing…..

The conversation went on like this for another 3-4 minutes. Even if I had been paying attention to her and remembered the rest of the disjointed conversation, I wouldn’t bore you with it. I love my mother, but she has a wonderful knack for calling while I am busy at work to talk about a whole lot of nothing.

She’s cute, I have to give her that.


dantallion said...

She sounds like the sweetest...lol

Enjoy her!

Anonymous said...

She's totally cute. My mommy does the same thing. They just reach an age where they miss us, they're retired and bored and they just want to hear our voices. They don't say much of anything, which leaves me to think that it may be up to us to entertain them. Which can be difficult at times. As our parents get older, we start to see them a little differently, ya know?

epicurist said...

It really is true isn't it? I have found that I have often had little patience for my parents, but when it came to other peoples parents, I would be fine with them...almost fascinated. I suppose it is all the history involoved. My parents do drive me nuts but I love them to death! And they give me plenty of ammo for my blogs. Just read this old blog

Snooze said...

Your mum actually understands an Internet account? Impressive. Mine won't even attempt the bank machine or even consider a cell phone. But like your mum, is absolutely adorable.

And your earlier post? Classic. I cannot imagine my parents ever just dropping in to my place, but they do comment on my lack of cleaning ability (but in my case, it's deserved). What did you do with all the onions?

Jase said...

I love when that happens! And even more so when they tell me I'm rude or I don't love them when I tell them I'm busy.

St. Dickeybird said...

My mum is impressed by my Urban Lifestyle. Everytime she calls, after about 10 minutes I tell her I'm late for a brunch/dinner appointment.
Complete and utter lies. Nobody eats with me.

But it's a great excuse for getting out of the "so how did my godmothers' aunt's cousin's friend's wedding gown make it out of Nazi Germany during the 30's" story.

Paddy Johnson said...

I talk to my parents almost every other day, but if I didn't call them I would almost never talk to them. I think sweet that your mom calls you at work. Like your parents mine too got a fancy new phone that they can't work. I believe it broke. They don't call me up to tell me about these things though because they are afraid I will publish it on the internet. Too late.

epicurist said...

Snooze - You have no idea. She can talk my ear off. All mothers are cute in their own ways! My pop fits in there as well!

Jase - I get that all the time too! The guilt trips they try on me never work either!

Dickeybird - lol. Mum always says my life is too busy for her. I should tr that technique as well.

Snafu - ;) Like I said food for thought.

Sister - First off, welcome and thanks! That is completely hilarious. My mum isn't that bad, but she makes herself sound like a super-tech next to my clueless father.