Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Amazing Race Observations

Dear god. I am finally admitting that I am an Amazing Race Junkie. For those of you who do not follow Reality Television, it is a Reality show that follows 12 Teams in groups of 2 around the world. I have been watching for quite some time now, and find the show an excellent portrayal of how not to act when travelling. I have come to a number of conclusions about this show, but more particularly its' contestants;

1. Americans can be particularly stupid;
a) Sphinx is not pronounced "spinks". "ph" is said as an "f". Can you say "Anal Sphincter"?
b) Dubai is pronounced "Do Buy" not "Do Bay"

I have no idea where these sheltered people grew up, but they need to learn a bit more about world cultures. Which brings me to point number...

2. You cannot bring your personal idealogies, belief systems and Religious views to another country and expect them to be the same way. It galls me, that so many people fail to realise that they are the guest within another Host country, and as a sign of respect, you should bow to their ways so long as they don't completely compromise yours.

3. I have no idea why gay men always complain that gay relationships never last. My opinion is that we get out of them when they no longer work. Unfortnately, too many straight people stay in abusive relationships because they choose to settle. Then they get married and have kids, which all seem to be futile acts to keep a dysfunctional relationship together. I have watched many married or partnered Teams fall apart because they have little respect for one another (i.e. Collin and Christe) I know this is a slight generalisation, but look forward to another blog about this.

4. If someone can't speak English, shouting and saying it more slowly while gesticulating wildly, most likely will not help. Try speaking more calmly and smile. They will be more recepetive.

5. Treat others as you wish to be treated. That which you give, always comes back two-fold. It is karmic to a degree. If someone sees you being an ass, do you really think that person will be nice to you?

Anyhow, this has been my enlightening observation for the day. Feel free to comment or lambast me.


dantallion said...

I don't watch it these days, because I've been turned of reality TV. Give me an old episode of Mary Tyler Moore over r-TV any day.

I don't agree with the (tongue in cheek)generalisation that Americans are stupid. Perhaps the people that get selected for these shows are in need of a clue or two, but that makes for good ratings. It's a shame that this is the image of the US that people get to see internationally.

As far as point # 2 goes, I couldn't agree more. If there is one perception of Americans that I hope is NOT true, (or if it is, needs changing, and FAST) it's the idea that American culture is the only cutlure, or at least the only cutlure worthy of respect.

Now I'm going to go an treat my assistant like s**t, just because I can. And I know that she'll be nice to me back because she has to. ;)

epicurist said...

Dantallion - thanks for making that point. You are not the first to correct me on my off-base humour. You are correct that it is a general oversite to assume one American is the spokesperson for all of America. Much like one act by one ethnic group will often engender racial stereotypes, by the rest of society.

The question to ask now is:
How much does media play in fostering and promoting these stereotypes? And are they responsible?