Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

A good friend of mine decided it was time for me to change my appearance. He says I need a good dose of "Queer eye for the Queer guy", so I assume he is telling me that I don't have any taste or fashion sense. Apparently I don't have any taste in friends either. Anyhow, I decided that the best thing to do, was heed his advice and shear my beautiful locks off. I did this last Friday, and can't quite figure it out as yet. I feel very different, edgier maybe, but think it comes off as G.I Jane meets starving Cambodian monk.
There are definitely the good and the bad:
The Good
- easy to manage.
- wash and go.
- no one recognises me.

The Bad
- I have a whack of hair products, with no hair to use it on.
- no one recognises me.


a*c said...

looks good. i think Beckham and Pitt are both sporting the shaved head look.

epicurist said...

yeah, now I just need their bodies, looks and bank account!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but you look like you have escaped from the childrens reform school! All you need is a white t-shirt, rolled up jeans and a pair of retro black converse sneakers. Oh ya and a pack of cigarettes rolled up in your T-shirt sleeve.

Love Ya


epicurist said...

Ooo, love that stylish look! Can always trust your taste! thanks babes!

epicurist said...

I'm thinking more, Sinead O'Connor and 'I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got', which of course is hair, so we all win.