Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Caption Contest - idea gratefully stolen from Wanda Wisdom

Since having had so much fun commenting on Wandas site, I decided it was high time to pick out the most atrocious celebrity outfits and poke a bit of fun at them. It wasn't hard since they were from the same damned actress/skank.
Now Bai Ling is apparently a famous Asian actress, but man is she ever fugly! What a shame and embarrassment to my people. So come up with a caption for each of the 3 pics, and you too can win a personal fashion consultation from her stylist! The winner will be chosen based on wit and inappropriateness.

I see Paris, I see France, I can see your....wait, she ain't wearing any underpants!

Asian Trash?


Anonymous said...

Having actually lived through the Bo Derek movie "10" era, I will say this just once...

"Crackers shouldn't corn row their hair"

And for the hos and home "cracker" is whitey, honky, and “the man".

This is what happens to Caucasians when you lack ethnicity, you end up trying to steal it from another race and you pull it off badly. I don't know the guy but I will apologize for him. I'm sorry *runs away sobbing*

a*c said...

photo one: "dude I need a stylist"
photo two: "dude, I REALLY need a stylist"
photo three: "Ok dude, i need a NEw stylist"