Thursday, October 27, 2005

What's been up with me: short version

I know, I know. I've been a bad neighbour in the Blogdom Kingdom. So to catch up, here are some things going on with me:
  1. I am getting my piano tuned right now. RB went and called a Tuner company 2 weeks ago, because he heard me yammering about how the piano was so out of tune that when I played a piece, it sounded like a different song. Song-yee (the tuner man) started to laugh at how badly out of tune it was. He did a few scales and played a bit, and I realise I need to go take lessons again.
  2. RB started to move a few things into the place, and we have made some decisions to get rid of unnecessary clutter. On my way out to get coffee I dropped of a few old blankets (washed) and left them by a man sleeping at College/Yonge. I am sure he can use them.
  3. I still have my cough/cold from 2 weeks ago, so have been absent and rather remiss with my postings.
  4. I have been watching Weeds from Showcase (US). It is on Wednesday's at 10pm. I seriously recommend this show...and I don't EVER like many shows.
  5. Don't ever eat at Red Lobster. It's disgusting and really salty and oily. I felt like I was eating a bag of salt soaked in butter.
  6. Lots of new ideas for personal artistic development, which I hope to actually start in the next week or so. I never thought I would get back into Canvas or sketch work, but it seems I am developing a new desire to do so. I stopped doing anything for about 8 years because I had no passion or artistic creativity, and I always said I would never do any work that didn't involve some passion in it. Just seems rather disingenuous to do so.
  7. The Company has just purchased a large piece of Real Estate in butt-fuck no where and everyone is concerned that we are being moved there. It currently takes a 15 minute wlk for me to get to work. This new location would have me travelling over 1 hour plus, via Public Transportation.

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