Thursday, October 19, 2006

Begging up the Wrong Leg

Yes, yes, yes. I know I am on a hiatus, but this just happened and I had to share it.

RB and I had been visiting a friend of his up along Queen and Strachan for the evening. I had a long day and knew tomorrow would be busy, so we decided to head out after Survivor at 9pm. As we were leaving the building, we saw the streetcar coming. So as not to have to wait another 30 minutes for the next streetcar, we made a mad dash to catch it. At the time, I was also immersed, multi-tasking, by typing away tomorrows schedule with my Crackberry. All of a sudden, a woman of about 50, considerably overweight, wearing a toque and dirty torn grey sweats, who (no offense) looked as though she lived on the streets, popped suddenly out of the bus shelter. She took me by surprise and mumbled something quite incoherently to me. In my haste to catch the streetcar, I couldn't quite make out what she said, but thought she asked:

"Do you have any money?" with nary a smile.

I replied, "No sorry, I don't have any change", and made a gesture by shaking my pockets to explain.

She gave me a dirty look as I passed, but didn't say anything. As I caught up to RB, I noticed he was laughing and it occurred to me she had also asked him the same question. It then occurred to me that she wasn't asking for money. What she really said was,

"Would you like some company?" with nary a smile.

Aside from being gay, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want her company if every man on this planet were dead and she was the last transexual with a big penis. Although, I may have thought it, I would never say such a mean thing. I couldn't help but wonder who would want her company, but felt terrible that my response may have left her thinking she wasn't worth my change.


tornwordo said...

That's funny!

Polt said... it.

Love the streetcars in toronto too. Can't wait to get back on them...mostly cause that would mean I'm back in Toronto! whoo hoo

HUGS and stuff...

JM said...

Great story.
Ewww on her appearance. You would think that if she was selling sex, she would clean herself up a bit.

Cincy Diva said...

HEHEHE! I love the street people of Toronto. I had a man ask me for "funds to support his nefarious band of thugs." I am thinking of visiting Toronto again in the Spring. It is actually cheaper for me to fly to Toronto than to fly to Chicago!

Jess said...

Hmmm. Well, I'd say that she may be someone's type, but she'd have to be asking people for a very long time to find whoever that interested person might be.

More likely, she's just desperate. Hookers probably don't have a very good pension plan!

St. Dickeybird said...

Heehee, don't feel bad about what you said. It's funny and lighthearted, and your innocence is maintained.
I'm sure Mikevils mum got over it.

Anonymous said...

At least she did not jump on you - LOL Like those girls on Jarvis, they can be very pushy...

Snooze said...

Thank goodness you didn't miss the streetcar otherwise you would have been stuck with her and her moves. I guess that's the time to hail a cab.

EarthMother said...

That's hilarious! I actually wonder what she would have charged for the pleasure of her company.