Wednesday, October 11, 2006

continued hiatus

It's been a rollercoaster of a ride these last few weeks. Emotions have been high and tears have flowed deeply. We are on the mend and life continues, though thoughts of our puppy will always be there.

I wanted to say "Thanks" again to everyone who has given words of encouragement and sympathy. It really has helped, and both Davy and I are thankful for such kind people in our lives.

As a side note, I am going to take some additional time off and think about what it is I want to do with my life. Blogging has been a wonderful experience. I have met many amazing people and have used this medium as an experiment and a therapy. It has helped a great deal with my daily life and I intend to get back to it, but I currently need to focus on other projects, like my painting and art. I have found a renewed passion for it, and have put my heart and hand to the canvas once again.It truly is a remarkable feeling, regaining passion for something that I once loved, then lost.

I will see you all soon, and will be back in a couple of weeks. Until then, be well and take good care of yourselves.

Much Love,
epi (aka Alex)


Polt said...

Epi, sweetie, take whatever time you need. When you've recharged and are ready to go again, we'll be here waiting for you.

You're in my thoughts.

HUGS and stuff...

Steve said...

I actually just found - and have been poking around - your blog. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I'm kinda on hiatus, too, and the reasons why are far too many to list. Take care, and I hope you're back soon.

Jess said...

Just take care of yourself and your loved ones. We'll be here for you when you're ready to share more. *hug*

Anonymous said...




theweescunner said...

so sorry to hear about Kalyx. I remember laughing at all the stories you would tell us when you came in to work. What happened on her daily walk that day and how she would get upset at other dogs on the walk and all her little quirks. Remember how after working a night shift you would want to rush home ASAP to make sure you got home in time to let her out for her "morning pee break". It sucks, I have been there quite a few times with various famiy pets since I was little. You grow up with them and they are there for you and it's hard to let go.

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about Kalyx as well. I hope you will be able to move on and channel your energy into other positive things - painting can be a very rewarding personal experience. Glad to hear you will give it a try once again!

Phoenixboi said...

Mate Im so sorry for your loss. But something tells me you have not lost anything rather a piece of you has fallen back into the jigsaw of your heart.

Loose yourself in ure creativity and express all that is beautiful to you.

Big Hugs mate.

St. Dickeybird said...

Sorry to hear about Kalyx! It's hard - a pet is an integral part of the family.

*a bigger hug than phoenixboi's*

And as always, we await your blogging return...

JM said...

You will be missed.
Take care of yourself!!
Come back when you can!!

epicurist said...

Polt - Thanks, I'm kinda working on a few different things and likely will post as things warrant. I'll be back for sure though.

Steve - Thanks Steve. I've actually been to your site a fewtimes and have enjoyed what I have read thusfar. I'll be sure to not be so quiet next time.

Jess - :) Thanks babes!

Hairybears - thanks.

JMack - Ahh, yes, those were the years. Thank you and I'm glad her quirks made you laugh as much as I. :)

Tyson - The healing has begun and painting and writing keep me sane and help me focus my energy in a positive way.

Phoenixboi - You are so true. though it still hurts, I know her memories will make me smile for a lifetime.

Dickeybird - :) What if Phoenixboi gave me a kiss? ;-p
angel - Thanks! I'll be back soon. No worries.