Monday, October 2, 2006

Goodbye my baby

For 15 years, she remained my companion and friend. She comforted me in my darkest moments and was the source of so much joy. She never judged me and forgave me for every trespass, greeting and loving me every day I came home. I loved her more than words can say, and tearfully after a long struggle, we had to let her go. She tried so hard to remain by our side, fighting so valiantly and faithfully, but we know we made the right decision. Though our pain and sadness is great and deep, her pain was far greater and we knew keeping her would be nothing less then selfish.

Goodbye my sweet baby. My sweet Kalyx. I will always love you.
Sleep, sleep well and know I will always remain your loyal companion.

Love Always,
Alex and Davy


Pheebs said... heart is broken for you. I wish I had the magic words for you but don' just know that you are all in my thoughts.

Sweet dreams, Kalyx...

Jess said...

I'm in tears right now. I'm so sorry. I know how great a loss it is when you lose a loving companion. Try to take comfort in her pain being over, and remember the happy memories. She'd want you to be happy! *hug*

Marc said...

Alex, I am so sorry about Kalyx. My thoughts are with you and Davy. If I could give you a big hug right now, I would.

mainja said...

*great big hug*

Naked Boy said...

I'm in tears. So sorry to hear about Kalyx.

EarthMother said...

Epi, I am so sorry about Kalyx. I know how hard a decision it was and how much you must miss her. The pictures you posted were beautiful and moving. My thoughts are with you and sending you warm hugs your way.

epicurist said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts. It is a lot harder than I would have imagined, but I am getting by. Funny, how I got so used to her being there. So much so, that I found myself filling her water bowl the other day, without even thinking about it.

I really do miss her. The house is soooo quiet now, it's almost disturbing.

Thanks again, the thoughts and words have helped. :)

The Raven said...

So sorry to hear about Kalyx, it's never easy, even when you know it's time. If only we were as kind to our humans. Kalyx is now running pain free with my dogs, Mr. Peepers, Walter, Willie and Ace. They'll keep her company, it's not so bad where they are now.

Snooze said...

It shows how much you loved her to not have prolonged any suffering on her part for your own needs. Your testament to her was very moving.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss of Kalyx. It makes me sad when someone loses a faithful friend. It brings back the sadness I felt when I lost my cat. Love to you.


Gavin Elster said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

CoffeeDog said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You did the right thing, she in a better place.

Hugs to you

Polt said...

Aww, Epi, I am so very very sorry. We had to put our dog down three years ago, we'd had her for like 17 years or so by then. She was a member of the family.

I wish there was something to say to make it better, but there isn't. But you still have your memories.

HUGS and stuff...

Dave said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Just last night my partner asked if I had read an article in the local paper about the writer having to have his dog put down. After I read it, we both sat there crying. We had our beloved cat put down last year and it was the hardest thing we've ever had to do. Reading that article got us both reminiscing and remembering the good times and how much we miss him.
Please know that you did the right thing for her.
I'll pass along this link in case you haven't read this yet.

Anonymous said...

ouch... that stings bad, i've been in that situation between my need to keep and my duty to let go...

i don't know you but i sure feel for you. your baby will always be yours, somewhere she's playing and remembering without any pain, the joy. that the universe gave that little life to be with you, knowing how you would look after it and keep it safe - that's huge man, and the ultimate reference of what kind of person you are. i'm sure she'll sleep with you in dreams...

time softens the edges of the hurt, being forever changed by love isn't a bad thing at all....

be well sir, sincere sympathies,


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl! I know she is somewhere chasing squirrels through the biggest field you've ever seen and snuggled up in front of a warm fire every night. Markus and I lost a family member earlier this year so I know the heartbreak (but I aloso know that Tasha is up there eating her way through the biggest mountain tuna you've ever seen!)

Big warm hug for you my friend!

Jess said...

Still thinking of you. Hope you're doing okay. *hug*

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry for your loss. i know exactly what you're going through...

~miss wanton

The Catshark said...

Just on the other side is a very special place called The Rainbow Bridge. She is happy and safe there. She is no longer in pain. When we all pass on our animals sit patiently and wait for us there. One day her little ears will perk up and she will sniff the familiar scent of her beloved owner. She will run at full gallop to greet you with open arms.

I know how hard it is to lose a pet. You have my deepest sympathy.

Anonymous said...

A dear, moving post-- the pics of course moved me to tears. She watches over you now, there is some solace in that-- but memories live on a cellular level so she is with you forever.

epicurist said...

Thanks again everyone. We ng our broke hearts, but life goes on. Thank you. thank you. Thank you.

Cincy Diva said...

I just re-found your blog. I am so sorry for your loss. Lean on the good memories. They will help you get thri this.
Many Blessings
Cincy Diva

Tallguy said...

The loss never goes away. Even after 40 years, I still miss my good friend. She still comes to visit sometimes -- and usually when I need her.
But somehow we just have to keep going on!
You are indeed fortunate she chose to be with you for all those years.