Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Victoria Long Weekend in Review

The weekend was pretty chockful of activities and I am still tired from all the different events. Friday, I went to see The DaVinci Code. I can't say that I was all that impressed, but thought there were some good moments during the flick. I guess I always find it difficult to watch a movie after I have read the book. They simply never seem to do them justice. That evening, RB and a slew of other friends went to a cocktail party at Miso Honi's place. Saturday, 7 friends and I drove North to a friends Chalet in Beaver Valley, which is situated on a beautiful private ski resort. Saturday's weather was beautiful and I took a hike on my own in the late afternoon. It was nice to get away and be alone and bond with nature again. Skiing was obviously shutdown, but a major storm came through and gave us a bit of winter on the Sunday morning. We returned Sunday afternoon, then headed out to a club for a bit of dancing. Don't have much time to post more, so I've posted some pics.

Saturday: ski hills and valley. The hills are quite steep and it took me an hour to get down the hills and back around.

ski machinery graveyard. I love Urban decay. Beauty exists everywhere.

Sunset: snow making machines

Urban decay: snow making machine graveyard

Sunset and a babbling brook

Hat antics: We found the hats and decided to have an impromptu hat party. As you can tell, we could barely keep a straight face.

Miso Honi and his Episcopalian costume found in the closet. I almost peed in my pants watching him pose.

Snow Sunday morning. Yes, it was May 21.


Doghigh said...

I LOVE the pic of the snow making machines. Brilliant. They have a total character to them...they are alive.

And c'mon those hats?? I can see where the laughter would come from...it all looked quite fun.

Snooze said...

The Episcopalian pose is priceless, and you somehow manage to look fetching in that hilarious hat. Looks like you had a fantastic week-end.

St. Dickeybird said...

Snow in May makes me want to cry.

And Miso looks familiar...

tornwordo said...

Neat pics, but SNOW!? How depressing, lol.

The Persian said...

Loved those pictures, Your hat was too funny! looks like you had much fun.

Anonymous said...

What a Motley Crew. See, that's what living's all about sweety. Good times, good friends and laughter!Loved it. Another adventure, when's the next?

Tay Hota said...

looks like a good time all around, beautiful area!! i need rich friends...

epicurist said...

doghigh - Yeah, I really loved the look of them. They looked so lonely, yet beautiful. The hats were a moment of drunkeness and all-out craziness.

Snooze - Yeah, Miso Honi has a knack for expressions and posing. He makes me laugh to no end.

Dickeybird - We just stood shocked, looking out the window.

tornwordo - Well, the snow dies off eventually, and it's warm here again. Just a freakish aberration, sort of like the hats. ;-p

Persian Guy - We had tonnes of fun, thanks.

Babs - We are a motley crew, but they keep me laughing and living, which is all I can ask for.

Tay Hota - LOL, the scenery and hiking was truly great.

Jess said...

You have the most interesting adventures. :)

dantallion said...

Beautiful shots. The urban decay one includes something that I may have had a hand in professional, actually.

Anonymous said...

epers, your pictures are always so wonderful. i love finding beauty in unusual places as well. it's everywhere!

Andy said...

At the risk of sounding unoriginal, beautiful pictures! You guys clearly had a great time.

EarthMother said...

I love the pics, especially the urban decay and the machine graveyard shots! Sounds like a great weekend all-round. Glad you enjoyed yourself!

Jase said...

awesome! ;)

DEREK said...

these are great! Especially the episcopalian one.

Rick Aiello said...

Love the photos... did you break out into "YMCA" when you took that hat photo? You all look so Village Peopleish... ;)