Riding this speeding train called Life, searching for that Common Denominator that brings us all together. I believe in Serendipitous encounters. I believe in the inherent goodness of all people. I believe in the small things. I believe in stopping to smell the roses. I believe in kindness, and I believe in sharing it.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Cirque de So Gay and Maidens of the Mist
Aside from being too lazy to post, I've been rather busy with home renovations, painting canvasses and catching up on reading. In the midst of all this, I have had the chance to do a few fun things on the weekend. A few weeks ago, a group of friends, and co-workers went to the Toronto School of Circus Arts, where we learned to Trapeze. It was incredibly fun and it helped me conquer some major obstacles and fears with heights. I did quite well for myself, and completed a number of different tricks. Pictures unfortunately were forbidden during this lesson, but I was able to get a video of RB doing his act during a previous visit, video provided below (I'm climbing the ladder on the left):
This past weekend, 2 of my friends, Paulina and Dragonfly took a day trip to Niagara Falls, where I tried my virginal hand on the slot machines with all the Blue hairs and obviously die-hard addicts. I stopped at a loss of $25.00 and vowed to never play again. A complete waste of money, but an expereince nonetheless. After walking about, we visited the Inniskillin winery, which was packed with tourists, most notably Japanese and Chinese, who for some reason absolutely LOVE Ice wine. A great time was had by all, and I've posted a few pics below.
The drive in Paulina's new car. I just had a Redbull, can you tell?
Epi, you are just too cute. I wish there was some way to get a picture of you on cuteoverload.com that would make my day. Then the rest of the world would see how adorable you are!
I've never understood the gambling thing. I tried it once, a total waste of money. I've got a friend who thinks it's a science. They say things like that machine should be winning soon as it hasn't won in the last few hours, if I had just stayed longer with that one, the money would have been mine...yada, yada, yada. To me it's gambler's fallacy. And also addictive behavior.
Darling, you are the first person I've yet to see that has ever mentioned Ice Wine!It is so seet but a lovely treat now and again.Most people don't know about it for some odd reason. I had a lovely batch at Christmas with my family. Lovely pictures. I was in Buffalo everyday for years and often went ot the Falls. It is certainly breathtaking, eh? MWAH!
LOVE the shots!! This brings me back to my childhood...visiting my family in St Catherines (no comments on THAT please :-) and spending time in some the very areas you photographed. Thanks!
hahahah...excellently entertaining blog title!
Sounds like a fun time for sure...you daredevil and your trapeze.! Next, you must try skydiving...
Epi, you are just too cute. I wish there was some way to get a picture of you on cuteoverload.com that would make my day. Then the rest of the world would see how adorable you are!
I've never understood the gambling thing. I tried it once, a total waste of money.
I've got a friend who thinks it's a science. They say things like that machine should be winning soon as it hasn't won in the last few hours, if I had just stayed longer with that one, the money would have been mine...yada, yada, yada. To me it's gambler's fallacy. And also addictive behavior.
Darling, you are the first person I've yet to see that has ever mentioned Ice Wine!It is so seet but a lovely treat now and again.Most people don't know about it for some odd reason. I had a lovely batch at Christmas with my family. Lovely pictures. I was in Buffalo everyday for years and often went ot the Falls. It is certainly breathtaking, eh? MWAH!
I love the Falls. We'vestopped there several times on our trips to Toronto.
Never saw a bunch of cute guys like you three though. You're all just aDORable! :)
Gambling, nah, never much enjoyed the casinos and stuff. Waste of time and money.
The Circus thing, I am SO afraid of heights there is no WAY I'd ever do that. Sounds like fun, but no way I'mdoing it!
I'm glad you had a great trip - the photos are lovely. Maybe it's just as well that you didn't enjoy gambling.
I love that first shot (and all the others too of course) but that devilish look is just great in the first one.
Looks like a great time!
I once arranged for a first date to go the Circus School. Unfortunately I got stood up, but it seemed like a great "date place."
cuBeautiful! and the waterfall isn't bad, either.
ummm...the cu was a typo
I love Niagra falls, and I agree with you gambling is a waste of time and money. Great shots :)
LOVE the shots!! This brings me back to my childhood...visiting my family in St Catherines (no comments on THAT please :-) and spending time in some the very areas you photographed. Thanks!
(And damn, are you sexy :-)
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