Wednesday, June 7, 2006

I'm an Uncle

Yay! I'm an Uncle!

Congratulations to my brother and sister-in-law! She gave birth to a healthy girl, 7 pounds 6oz. She looks kinda mushed up right now (the baby, not the mother), but is super cute with lots of hair and a ferocious appetite. Mum was in labour for 15 hours with no epidural. I don't know how she did it, but she did very well and looked great despite the long labour.

Obviously, I haven't had much time to post and likely will be absent for a bit more. Take care for now and I'll hopefully get a chance to catch up on your blogs soon.


Snooze said...

nice news! Congrats!

EarthMother said...

Congratulations! I'm sure this little girl is going to get spoiled with all the love from her wonderful uncle.

St. Dickeybird said...

And I'm betting you'll make a great uncle.

Greg the Surly said...

Congrats! She couldn't hope for a better uncle.

Naked Boy said...

Congratulations! Why will you be gone again? I miss you, where do u go?

DEREK said...

congrats. I love being an uncle!

Polt said...

Well congrats! To you and your sister! And the new baby as well! Oh, and the father too.

ya know, Congrats to EVERYONE involved! That outta cover it. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations honey! Being an uncle is an important job. That baby girl is lucky to have you. She will learn so much from you and I know she will love you to bits. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Very exciting news! Baby pictures soon!?

Rick Aiello said...

Congrats Uncle Epi. I'm jealous just a little bit... I wish my sister would get busy already. :)

congeewoo said...

congrats!! Just think, you will be the fun uncle!

Bugsy said...

Congrats! I think you'll find you'll like being an uncle. Its like having kids, only you get to hand them back to their parents!


Jess said...

Well, until your own efforts to get pregnant pay off, this is good.

Congratulations, Uncle Epi!

Pheebs said...

Being that this is the 17th comment here, it's going to sound sort of stale and boring but CONGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATS all the same!!

Blog soon--we miss you!

Jase said...
