Wednesday, February 2, 2005

When thanks are due....

I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank you ALL for your support, advice, and friendship, from the bottom of my heart. It has been just over a year since my first blog, and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised by this unlikely grouping of bloggers. I truly do see you as friends, and thank you for the stories, the laughter, sarcasm, bitchiness, and warm comments.

I admit that I have always been a fiercely independent soul, keeping personal issues to myself, but you have all shared so much that I now realise that being emotive and expressing oneself is not a bad thing. It is not a sign of weakness. It is human nature and the way we grow.

This adventure has truly expanded my horizon and I want you to all know that you all have been the silver lining to my blog experience.

The last 3 years of my life have seen many ups and downs, where I most often fought the battle on my own. It has been tough at times. Only my close friends in Toronto know what I have been through. I have no regrets about how I did it. I am stronger for it, and am far more clear about who I am and what makes me tick. I have faced darkness and despair, but risen from that hellish hole to see that life has a lot to offer, as I to it. My superb friends have been my Rock and I would also like to send my love to them.

As I embark on a new path this year, many changes and new choices are being made that will irrevocably change my life for the better. The ball has already begun, and I can feel the restless tides churning. I have been in a very good place for quite sometime now, and it is because I have realised that I cannot do this on my own, and that friends are to be leaned upon. At the same time, one must always Respect, Honour, Love and Thank those who have been there for you. Friends and family are not to be taken for granted.

So without further a do:
Thanks to all,
The Joy Luck Club
The Cottage Crew
The Highschool Gang
The Kingdom of Bloggers
and To my family (I love you for how far you have come, and I look forward to what is next)

With Love and Thanks Always,


St. Dickeybird said...

Well thank you for allowing us to read your mind.

Jase said...

Isn't it nice to show people they're important to you?

"Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend.."


Joshua Kreig said...

"You like me, you really like me!"

Anonymous said...

::sniffle:: Give me a hug YOU!!!

epicurist said...

Dickey - NO, thank YOU! :)

Sister - It never ceases to amaze either.

Jase - It is nice, and I need to do it more often.

Stoned Bunny - I most certainly do, and you know that ;p

Russ - what has it been 16 years?

Ms Bees Knees - Hug? sure, only if there is a lot of groping and grinding. };P

dantallion said...

Beautifully written.

I'm glad you have so many people behind you.

epicurist said...

Robbie _ Always happy to help and amuse. :)

Brian said...

I really like this posting. I am a relatively new blogger, just since November, but really just got into the past two months and it is strange the kinds of people it brings into your path and the kinds of issues it brings up. I never knew it could be so helpful and wide ranging. You seem like a really genuine and kind person... and your cute too! ;-)