I realise I am fully nude here, but you only see half of me so I think it qualifies. I had just woken up to dawn and decided that I had better participate...better late than never. Got the camera. Setup. Done.
I've been busy, but I'll be back soon to actually post something of interest.
Happy HNT!
Wow, nice pic, and yes, I'd agree this most definitely qualifies... Also, no apology necessary...
H Belated HNT!
that's a beautiful piano :)
seriously, your backside is quite lovely.
Great shot, so smooth and silky looking. And who tickles the ivories chez vous?
"actually post something of interest"??? Trust me when I tell you, this definitely ranks up there as something of MAJOR interest. ;)
Very beautiful, Epi.
MG - Thanks! I'm always late in the game! LOL
Brad - ::blush:: I'm really quite the bore. ;-p
Alan - Thanks, you just made me giggle as my director walked by. hee hee!
Sandouri - Thanks, the piano is an antique and I thought it would be a cool shot. Going to try a fe different ones in the next HNT.
tornwordo - That's a double entendre if I ever heard one! LOL! I tickle the ivories, but not very well. ;p
Dantallion - ::blush:: well, you know what I meant. ::grin::
Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday
We know who tickles his ivory... Bwahahahaha. And nice pic. Yummy.
Beautiful photo!
Very nice photo. No apologies necessary! Please feel free to do so again, as often as you like. :)
HAPPY HNT (a day late)
Goodness!!! What a delectable rear end you have, my dear!!!
Looking good, sweetie!
goodness gracious
Glad you took the time to pose...don't let that piano cover fall down :) Happy HNT
Wow, nice body ...uhm... piano. Happy belated full nekkid Friday!
Wow, great bod. Really fab. Don't spoil it by going all Muscle Mary on us!
Good lord...I am...stuttering...I've always wanted to play the piano and here we have an even greater motivation to, um, play...YOW...
Thats the second nekkid male arse I've seen today on the internet without clicking onto porn.
Not that I'd click onto Man Porn, if I clicked on to porn at all.
Which I don't.
Of course.
Such a peaceful beautiful picture, you have the body of a god :)
I thought you had given up HNT..
Happy HNT :)
Turn around please! :-) very hot shot
Don't apologize, that's art, Darling!!
you have nothing to apologize for, stunning!
you look lovely, dear....a very artistic shot. makes me want to smack that bootay....lol
I was in Google image search with the words:
great art should never be mushed up
and this photograph came up. The words are from a Peanuts comic strip.
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