Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Doggie Updates

Hi All,

I am still swamped with work, and haven't had time to blog or update you with the recent episodes with Kalyx.

No need to worry. I think most of my reaction was a plea for help based on stress and worry. I have spoken with the SPCA, an Animal Behaviourist and each have given me a number of options which I am currently trying. In addition to this I have also spoken with my Condo Management and Security and all understand the situation. As for the neighbour down the hall who has been complaining, she is apparently not well liked by anyone of the prior mentioned people, so I really have no worries. The word "be-yatch" has been thrown around more then a few times. Anyhow, thanks to all of you for the feedback, encouragement and empathy.

Kalyx is doing well, and as you can see, she's sleeping like the baby she is.


Paddy Johnson said...

She's so cute! I'm glad you still have a few options

Anonymous said...

Oh epi! I really don't want to see you two part. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will work out for the better.

Snooze said...

I am willing to quit my job and curl up with her all day if that will help. That picture is just too adorable!

epicurist said...

Things are good kids. Thanks snooze for teh offer1 :)

hough we should all get together for a drink sometime soon....well, those of us in Toronto.